Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts

Pregancy Dos and Donts

Pregnancy is a journey and you need to be prepared and take careful measures to keep you (the mother) and the child, safe and healthy. The listicles below give you in-depth knowledge of things you should do or not do.

Pregnancy Do’s

  1. Consume multivitamin

It is essential to consume a meal rich in minerals and vitamins. However, this may be inadequate for both mother and the unborn child. Adequate doses of these vitamins-containing nutrients  (folic acid, calcium, and iron) help correct birth defects and aid in good fetal development. Also, multivitamin contains omega-3 fats that aid in the brain growth of the baby. Make sure to take the adequate doses prescribed by your doctor as higher doses may be harmful to the baby.

Pregnant woman getting rest

  1. Get enough rest

Pregnancy is very challenging, especially with hormone levels changing, stress, and worry, which serve as hindrances to having adequate rest. Take a  nap if you feel tired. Set sleep alarms and act accordingly. Ideal sleep should be between 7-9 hours.  If you notice signs of tiredness, don’t deny your body that rest.

  1. Eat seafood

Seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron. These are essential for the mother and child. However, uncooked seafood can cause some problems since, it might carry harmful bacteria, viruses, and high levels of mercury (Example: shark, swordfish, and king mackerel).

Make sure to eat a variety of fish and don’t consume more than 12ounces per week.

Pregnant women at gym

  1. Try exercising

Exercising is suitable for pregnant women as it helps fight many complications that come to bear during pregnancy. For instance: insomnia, muscle pain, excessive weight gain, and mood problems.
If you regularly exercised before you became pregnant, keep it up. Talk with your doctor about any adjustments you should make to your routine, especially as you move into your second and third trimesters. If you didn’t exercise regularly before you found out you were expecting, ask your doctor about incorporating a fitness routine into your day. They can guide you into a program that’s safe and comfortable for you and your growing baby.

  1. Enjoy great sex

Sex during pregnancy is fine, as long as you don’t have a complicating factor such as placenta previa or another type of high-risk pregnancy.
Sex is safe with your partner right up until your water breaks. If you have discomfort you may have to try new positions. Talk with your doctor if you have any questions about the safety of intercourse during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Don’ts

1. Don’t smoke

Babies born to women who smoke during pregnancy are likely to have a lower birth weight and are at a greater risk of becoming disabled than children born to nonsmoking mothers.
Additionally, children born to women who smoke are more likely to try smoking at a younger age and become regular smokers earlier, due to physiologic nicotine addiction.

2. Don’t drink alcohol

Alcohol has a debilitating impact on your baby’s development. People who drink alcohol while pregnant could deliver a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Symptoms of FAS include low birth weight, learning disabilities, behaviour problems, and lagging patterns in terms of growth and development milestones.

Speak with a trusted medical doctor if you want to quit alcohol addiction while you are pregnant.

3. Don’t eat unpasteurized milk products

Calcium is very important for growing babies, but moms have to be careful how they get their calcium from dairy. Raw milk isn’t for expecting mothers since it’s unpasteurized. This means it hasn’t been heated to kill bacteria that could make you ill. Specifically, raw milk may contain the bacteria Listeria. It can lead to illness, miscarriage, or even life-threatening consequences.

  1. Don’t sit in a hot tub or sauna

The high-heat environment of hot tubs, Jacuzzis, and saunas may be too dangerous for pregnant mothers.
Research suggests that using one of these during your first trimester may double your risk of miscarriage. Soaking in hot water can raise body temperature and this causes problems for the baby including increasing the risk of birth defects.

  1. Don’t drink a lot of caffeine

Caffeine can travel through the placenta and increase your baby’s heart rate. Current research suggests that women can safely consume a cup or two of coffee daily, but forego downing a triple-shot latte while you’re with a child.


Disclaimer: Adore Women is not a health organization. As such, the contents of this piece are for educative purposes only. Make sure to seek professional medical assistance from your doctor.

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