About Us

What is Adore Women?

Adore Women is a new online and digital magazine. It is dedicated to inspiring the right women’s culture and celebrating women of power and purpose. Above all, we publish relevant and quality content for women and platform young adults’ creative works through essays, politics, opinions, and lifestyle content.

Adore Women works with its partners to empower and encourage our community’s creative young women by making their voices heard and their works well appreciated. We also partner with other NGO institutions in support of closing the gap created by gender imbalance and inequality in society.

Adore Women are also dedicated to creating a family relationship with our stakeholders.

What are Our Core Values?

Our core values depict the fundamental beliefs of our staff and the organisation as a whole. These guiding principles include:

  1. Customer focused
  2. Loyalty
  3. Integrity
  4. Innovation
  5. Continuous improvement

Our Team

Click here to meet adore women team

Pitch Adore Women

Pitching Guide:

We are known for providing content that uplifts and positively celebrates women who are impacting society. And this is what our editorial is all about.

The tone of our editorial is expressive, friendly, informative, and entertaining. Adore Women is focused on sharing viewpoints from young adults.

Our Editorial Aims:

Sharing stories about women that are valuable in our present dispensation and providing a spotlight on women affecting societal change.

We prioritize quality content over clickbait.

Pitch tips:

  • Before you pitch to us, Google the topic to ensure it is unique and not on a subject we take care of currently on the site and that your pitch truly features why this point would bear some significance with a more extensive crowd.
  • Kindly don’t begin composing your piece before it has been authorised.
  • Assuming that we acknowledge your pitch we will send you an email including a submission cutoff time, some advice, thoughts on how we might want to see the piece, and a word count.
  • Kindly don’t anticipate hearing back on your pitch promptly except if we choose to commission.
  • Mostly the reason why we can’t commission your pitch is because of budget limitations (as opposed to it being a “bad” pitch). Kindly don’t be discouraged and do pitch to us again!
  • Send pitch ideas to editorial@adorewomen.com or adorewomenmag@gmail.com.

Article format:

We have six sections to pitch within: Beauty, Fashion, Politics, Celebrity, Culture, and Sex and Relationship. There are roughly six types of article formats that adorewomen.com publishes regularly. These are:

  • Personal essays
  • Comment pieces (opinions hooked to current issues)
  • Profile interview (where you’re interviewing a single person)
  • Multi-interview features (where you’re multiple people)
  • Q & A interviews
  • Listicles (articles written in list-based format)

Contact Us

AdoreWomen.com is run by a small team of staff, some of whom are part-time. Our response time may be delayed but we will try to respond to your queries are quick as possible.

Have something you’d like us to know, general questions, complaints, or see an inaccuracy? We welcome your feedback here.

If you’re interested in advertising or partnership with Adore Women, please contact us here or email at adorewomenmag@gmail.com.

If you’re a young writer pitching Adore Women, please read our pitching guide here.


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